Since 2006, The LCB’s covered Congress for 60+ local NPR member stations, two Pulitzer Prize-winning regional print outlets, alt-weeklies from coast to cloistered coast, a slew of regional newspapers — from the Omaha World-Herald to the Chattanooga Times Free Press — and a handful of national magazines.
In 2023, Mississippi Today tapped The LCB to follow-up on their Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage of welfare fraud
The LCB contributed to two of Raw Story’s four winning submissions, netting the growing outlet the 2023 Editor and Publisher Magazine EPPY Award for ‘best news/political blog’
In 2015, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Willamette Week sent us into the Washington suburbs to knock on the door of Oregon First Lady Cylvia Hayes’ sham first husband
In 2021, Fast Company asked The LCB to investigate a Katie Porter rumor, which we gladly debunked
Pulitzer-winning Futuro Media and, separately, KCUR have both leaned on The LCB to bring the Capitol to life for their unique audiences
When a segment on propaganda fell through with mere days to spare, This American Life, naturally, reached out to The LCB to help fill the void from the Capitol
Who we are
Pablo Manríquez
The LCB, Vanity Fair, New Republic, Capitol Press (Substack)
Playing it forward:
The LCB has trained 50+ interns. Alumni have gone on to:
NPR, Washington Post, WCVE, Marketplace, CBS, New York Post, WAMU, Sunlight Foundation, WSKG, McClatchy, CNN, Reuters, Fox News, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, etc.
The LCB abroad:
We’ve sponsored a Canadian journalist’s green card, Russian journalist’s asylum claim, work visa for a different Canadian journalist, two Ukraine war correspondents, etc.
The LCB — or Laslo Congressional Bureau — was founded by veteran congressional correspondent and Johns Hopkins University lecturer Matt Laslo. Since 2009, Matt’s served on the board of the Regional Reporters Association where he helps represent the dwindling numbers of local reporters based in Washington.